News from the Herpes Nation
Where Healing Lives
Published by Christopher Scipio
Homeopath, Herbalist, and Holistic Viral Specialist
Do You Treat You Body as Well as Your Car?
I drive a seven year old VW Diesel Jetta and I love my car. The car wasn’t cheap so I try to maintain the car well so that it can last another 10-15 years. The oil changes are expensive, usually more than $150 and I just spent almost a thousand dollars changing the timing belt and water pump. But even I don’t spent nearly as much time and money taking care of my car as most of my neighbours. I live in the country so I don’t mind a little road dust on my car- most people’s vehicles around here are immaculate.
I often feel a real sense of disconnect seeing a morbidly obese person stepping out of their pristine $50,000 pick-up truck, or seeing someone chain-smoking in their new BMW. It occours to me that most people would never treat their cars as badly as they treat their own bodies.
In my overactive imagination I see water as being the equivalent of engine coolant. How many people get the 8-10 glasses of non-filtered water they need each day for proper hydration? (Filtered water doesn’t provide proper hydration due to a lack of minerals/electrolytes)
Essential Fatty Acids are like your engine oil. It takes about 51 days in a row of consuming enough EFAs to properly lubricate your body and then if you miss a day after that you need another 51 days in a row again to build back up. How many of us eat enough avocados, salmon, tuna, mackerel, sardines, hemp seeds, olive oil, etc to properly oil our bodies?
Your daily meals are your gas. How many people would put crappy gasoline in their cars that they knew had the potential of damaging their engines?
How would you treat your car if like your body you knew it was the only one you’ll ever own in your lifetime?
Coffee is like an expensive fuel additive shipped in from third world countries. It gives your engine a temporary boost before sending it crashing down. If you were to put this additive in your car it would degrade the steel of your chassis just like coffee leaches calcium from your bones. It would cause your engine to over rev just like coffee over-stimulates your central nervous system causing you to go into a stressful fight or flight mode which damages your adrenal glands and makes you more sensitive to stress. Would you put this in your car? How about drugs and alcohol and tobacco?
Cars are resilient and can handle some neglect and abuse, but it’s likely that you treat your car well and keep it clean because it’s a statement of how you care for the things you value, because your life literally depends on your car’s good performance and because you want your car to last.
You can buy another car anytime but you are stuck with the consequences of the relationship you have had with your own body and you can even pass on those consequences to your children and grandchildren. The new science of epigenomics studies how the environment and daily habits such as over-eating and coffee drinking can damage genes which then negatively impact your future generations.
– christopher scipio, homeopath/herbalist
-Immune Dysfunction: The immune system may be the main determinant of susceptibility to herpes infections. Mice lacking both B7-1 and B7-2 when infected intravaginally with HSV-2 developed more severe disease and higher mortality. (B7-1 and B7-2 are molecules that function as stimulators of T-cell activity.) B7-1 and B7-2 are capable of regulating the immune system and profoundly affect human health. Without B7 stimulation, T-cells fail to undergo normal activation in response to HSV-2 infections (Thebeau et al. 2003). Blood lymphocytes (white blood cells, WBC) obtained from patients with VZV and chickenpox, during the acute phase of disease had lower proportions of T-helper (CD-4+) cells and large numbers of T-suppressor (CD-8+) cells, with a low T-helper/T-suppressor ratio. Natural killer (NK) activity was depressed with no concomitant decrease in NK cells. In the late recovery phase, NK activity and levels of T-cell subpopulations were normal with the exception of increased T-helper cells (Cauda et al. 1987). Enhancement of the immune system will improve control of outbreaks of herpes.
-The Sugar Connection: Diets high in sugar promote immune dysfunction and herpes infection. Routine intake of sugar consistently suppresses the immune system. Glucose, fructose, honey, or fruit juices (simple sugars or carbohydrates) significantly reduce the physiological functions of white blood cells (Western Botanicals, 2000; Clark, 2003).
-Physical Stress: Physical trauma to nerve cells (e.g. surgery) can activate herpes viruses ( Clark, 2003). Menstruation, tight clothing, intercourse (without sufficient lubrication), or the stress of illness may contribute to the recurrence of genital herpes (UMHS, 2003). Elite athletes (aggressive exercise) often increases sensitivity to respiratory and herpes simplex infection (Friman et al. 2000). However, a well-planned exercise program typically aids in reducing stress and building immunity. Studies have shown that just 30 minutes of regular exercise (such as walking) significantly boosts immune function (Forces of Nature, 2003a)
-Fatigue: Fatiguing exercise has been associated with an increased susceptibility to infection. Macrophages from fatigued mice are less resistant to infection with HSV-1. Fatigued mice, when exposed to HSV-1, exhibited greater mortality than control mice and evidenced greater resistance to HSV-1 infection (Kohut et al. 1998).
-Emotional Stress: Psychological intervention (relaxation and guided imagery) improves immune function. The immune system works more efficiently when one is “happy” and in a state of well-being. Improvements in immune parameters (using self-hypnosis with and without immune imagery) revealed fewer winter viral infections. Patients with virulent and chronic HSV-2, after six weeks of psychological training, almost halved recurrence rates, improved mood, and reduced levels of clinical depression and anxiety. Immune function was up-regulated as noted by increased NK cell activity in response to HSV-1 (Gruzelier, 2002). Persistent stressors and high levels of anxiety predicted the recurrence of genital herpes, whereas transient mood states, short-term stressors, and life changes did not (Cohen et al. 1999). Physical and psychological stresses in astronauts during space flight revealed decreased virus-specific T-cell immunity and reactivation of EBV (Stowe et al. 2001). Major depression is associated with a decline in VZV-specific cellular immunity (Irwin et al. 1998).
-Other Infections: The common cold is a major precipitating factor for oral herpes. The presence of one or more infections predisposes patients to other infections (Nicolson et al. 2003). Some studies have shown exceptions as HSV-2 infections and the common cold showed no relationship (Dalkvist et al. 1995.)
-Fever: Fever has been shown to induce reactivation of latent HSV-1 (Colgin et al. 2001)
-Ultraviolet Light : Ultraviolet (UV) irradiation can result in HSV-1 reactivation (Loiacono et al. 2003). UV damage to the skin at the site of initial infection was a sufficient stimulus to reactivate latent HSV-1 (Colgin et al. 2001). Using a sunscreen of Factor 25 or higher prior to UV exposure may assist in preventing a herpes outbreak. I f a patient who suffers from recurrent herpes utilizes a tanning booth, it would be prudent to terminate or abbreviate these tanning sessions (Forces of Nature, 2003b).
-Temperature Extremes: Extremes in temperature can prompt a herpes outbreak. Because synthetic fabrics retain heat and moisture, genital sores may heal faster if loose-fitting cotton underclothes are worn and panty hose are avoided (Krishna IVF Clinic, undated; Torres, 2003).
-Nerve Damage: Recurrent VZV occurs in acute, chronic, and recurrent neuropathy (inflammation or degeneration of the peripheral nerves). Subsequent or second attacks of VZV are uncommon in people with normal immune systems (Craig et al. 2003)
-The Essential Fatty Acid Factor: Many herpes patients have imbalances in fat metabolism. Individuals with recurrent herpes infections often consume too many trans -fatty acids that fail to support healthy cell membranes. (See Essential Fatty Acids in the Therapeutic Section).
Coffee, Chocolate and all forms of Caffeine
Nuts and Seeds (Except Hemp and Flax)
Recreational Drug Use
Friction from sex without an antiviral gel or lube
Re-inoculation from unprotected sex with a partner who also has herpes
Insomnia or less than 7 hours a day of sleep
Artificial Sweeteners
Special Fall Offers and Discounts from Christopher Scipio, Homeopath/Herbalist
All of these Offers Expire on the 9th of November, 2010, so don’t hesitate to contact me if interested.
1. Safer Sex. If you haven’t tried my antiviral gel for safer sex and would like to, I will include an electronic version of my book “Making Peace with Herpes” for free ( a $21.95 value). I will also waive the mandatory 30 min consultation which is an additional savings of $50. If you have already read the book I will give you an additional antiviral gel for free instead.
2. If you have ordered from me in the past but havent in more than sixty days, I will include a free electronic version of my six part audio programme on holistic herpes management and safer sex for free (a $60 value). This series goes into wonderful empowering detail on how to treat herpes, and how to live and love without shame and without infecting others.
3. If you buy a four month supply of immune formula for herpes or hpv, I will reduce the price of the remedies by $162.00
4. I have brand new low cost herpes remedies for students, the unemployed and low-income persons. This plan is $79.00 per month including postage for qualified persons.
5. If you have never had a phone consultation with me, or haven’t had one in 60 days and have questions about herpes or HPV or any other ailments, need moral support and encouragement, need advice on how to talk to others about your herpes or HPV, or have a partner you’d like me to help educate about herpes or HPV and would like to have a phone consultation with me, for the I am offering my 60 minute phone consultation for $50.00 instead of the usual $90.00.
If you would like to take advantage of any of these offers email me at
Christopher Scipio
Homeopath/Herbalist/Holistic Viral Specialist
The Truth about HSV-1 and HSV-2
Exerpts from an Article by The American Social Health Association
“…When many people first tell someone they have genital herpes, they start by comparing the infection to oral herpes, or cold sores. How apt is the comparison? In spite of scientific facts, the social stigma and emotional attitudes surrounding genital herpes can make it hard to compare it objectively with an oral infection that most people casually accept. Following the unspoken assumptions of our society, many people still believe there is a “good” herpes virus-HSV- 1, the usual cause of cold sores-and a “bad” herpes virus-HSV-2, the usual cause of genital herpes.
…Under a microscope, HSV- 1 and 2 are virtually identical, sharing approximately 50% of their DNA. Both types infect the body’s mucosal surfaces, usually the mouth or genitals, and then establish latency in the nervous system. For both types, at least two-thirds of infected people have no symptoms, or symptoms too mild to notice. However, both types can recur and spread even when no symptoms are present.
The primary difference between the two viral types is in where they typically establish latency in the body- their “site of preference.” HSV-1 usually establishes latency in the trigeminal ganglion, a collection of nerve cells near the ear. From there, it tends to recur on the lower lip or face. HSV-2 usually sets up residence in the sacral ganglion at the base of the spine. From there, it recurs in the genital area .
Even this difference is not absolute either type can reside in either or both parts of the body and infect oral and/or genital areas. Unfortunately, many people aren’t aware of this, which contributes both to the spread of type 1 and to the misperception that the two types are fundamentally different.
“People don’t understand that you can have type 1 genitally or orally, that the two types are essentially the same virus,’ says Marshall Clover, manager of the National Herpes Hotline.” One type is associated with stigma, the other is “‘just a cold sore”- our society has a euphemism for it so we don’t even have to acknowledge that it’s herpes.”
The common myth is that HSV-1 causes a mild infection that is occasionally bothersome, but never dangerous. The reality? HSV-1 is usually mild, especially when it infects the lips, face, or genitals. However, in some cases type 1 can recur spontaneously in the eye, causing ocular herpes, a potentially serious infection which can lead to blindness. In very rare cases HSV- 1 can spread spontaneously to the brain, causing herpes encephalitis, a dangerous infection that can lead to death. HSV-1 is also the usual cause of herpes whitlow, an infection on the finger, and “wrestler’s herpes,” (herpes gladiatorum) a herpes infection on the chest or face.
The range and potential severity of HSV-1 infections lead some experts to view the virus as more risky than usually perceived. “This is heresy, but I think type 1 is a more significant infection than type 2,” says Spotswood Spruance, MD, an oral HSV specialist at the University of Utah. “Type 1, and the morbidity associated with it, are underestimated.”
By comparison, HSV-2 is widely believed to be a painful, dangerous infection that affects only people with very active sex lives. The reality? Some 22% of adult Americans from all backgrounds, income levels, and ethnic groups have HSV-2. Like HSV-1, type 2 is usually mild-so mild that two- thirds of infected people don’t even know they have it. Type 2 rarely causes complications or spreads to other parts of the body. It is the most common cause of neonatal herpes, a rare but dangerous infection in newborns; however, type 1 causes up to one-third of neonatal infections.
The two types do behave somewhat differently depending on whether they are residing in their site of preference-the mouth and face for HSV-1, and the genital area for HSV-2. But both types are quite common, and under most circumstances neither is a major health threat. That’s one reason medical professionals tend to dismiss HSV -2 despite the emotional trauma a diagnosis can cause for a patient.
While HSV can be a frustrating and painful condition for some people, in general the virus is less a medical problem than a social problem. For most of us, genital herpes is no more dangerous than a cold sore.
…How Easily Spread?
As a number of readers have attested over the years, many people with genital herpes are at least as concerned about transmission-the likelihood of spreading the virus to a partner-as about their own health. On the other hand, few people with oral herpes, share this concern. Is this because one type is more contagious than the other?
The short answer is no. Both viral types are easily transmitted to their site of preference, and can also be spread to other sites. Both are most contagious during active outbreaks, but are often spread through viral shedding when there are no recognizable symptoms. According to Spruance, people with recurrent oral HSV-1 shed virus in their saliva about 5% of the time even when they show no symptoms. In the first year of infection, people with genital HSV-2 shed virus from the genital area about 6-10% of days when they show no symptoms, and less often over time. (Both of these figures reflect shedding as detected by viral culture.)
…On a practical level, this means oral HSV-1 is often the most easily acquired herpes infection. Usually the first herpes simplex virus that people encounter, oral HSV-1, is typically spread simply by the kind of social kiss that a relative gives a child. Because children have no prior infection with any HSV type, they have no immune defense against the virus.
…Scientists can tell us all day that the main difference between the two viral types is simply their site of preference-whether they typically occur above the waist or below. But the unspoken attitudes of our society send a different message. That’s just the problem, social attitudes whisper. Below the waist is bad.
“People think of oral herpes as the “good” herpes and genital herpes as the “bad” kind,” says Glover of the National Herpes Hotline. “It’s partly that they don’t understand the similarities between HSV-1 and 2. But it’s also that good and bad is how our culture views sex and our bodies…”
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