A Herpes Free New Year!
This year my fondest wish for you is to have a year where herpes is a non-factor in your life. A year in which you spend no more time worrying about herpes than you would worrying about how many different children have played the role of Annie in Little Orphan Annie on Broadway.
It’s it largely up to you. If you are willing to make peace with the herpes virus and take a fearless personal inventory of your life you will be able to identify the habits and lifestyle choices that are triggering your outbreaks.
You have the power to make progressive changes without being dependent on a prescription drug. No matter what your past history is with herpes you can change your situation now.
What a person can do is almost unlimited, what most people choose to do is largely disappointing.
Choose to control your herpes infection instead of having your lifelong herpes infection control you.
To celebrate this great new year I am offering a free gift to all readers of this newsletter. Email me at hsvclinic at aim.com to ask for your gift.
Happy New Year
christopher scipio
holistic viral specialist
“My experience with Mr Scipio’s herbal protocol was a learning experience and journey. It has helped to make me a healthier and ultimately happier person. It is a change in lifestyle and thinking. By following the process set forth by Mr. Scipio and learning to listen to the needs of my body I was able to overcome frequent and bad outbreaks. This is a protocol developed only for those who are willing to accept learning curves. However, with time, attention, mental relaxation techniques and the assistance of Mr. Scipio I am now able to enjoy life outbreak free and understand how to control this condition and not allow it to control me either physically or mentally.
Thank you for your help Mr. Scipio!”
How Not to Get a Cold or Flu This Season
Dress for success. A warm scarf may be your best ally in not getting a cold. And ladies, no matter how sexy you are, you may wish to reconsider plunging exposed necklines at this time of year. Button up your coats. Dress in layers and eschew those low riding pants and jeans.
Act immediately. Usually the first sign of a cold or flu is a sore throat followed by fatigue. As soon as you feel even the hint of this coming drop everything you are doing and get out of the cold and into your bed. Rest is key, even if it means taking a day or two off from work and your duties as a parent. If you don’t slow down you will probably get sick.
An ounce of prevention… Carry around those dried ginger cubes you find in health food stores. Reed’s brand has organic ginger cubes. Suck on them and eat them whenever the weather or chilly or you feel your throat getting sore or itchy. I have avoided dozens of colds this way.
Silence is golden. If you feel your throat getting sore or itchy, stop talking. Save your voice.
Hydrate yourself. Drink lots of water and teas containing vitamin c during the winter like rose hips or hibiscus. My favourite is a combination of rose hips, hibiscus and ginger.
If you feel yourself sliding down into sickness drink plenty of ginger and green onion tea (use the white bulb part of organic green onions)..
Make sure you carry around the homeopathic remedy gelsenium sempervirens 30c, and take 2 pellets every 1-2 hours if you start feeling ill.
Wash your hands as often as feasible.
Definately consider getting my Milena Cold and Flu formula. It’s the best formula I have ever created and I have never gotten a cold or flu while taking it as a preventative.
Announcing A New Price Structure
There will be an increase in prices and a new price structure as of January 14th. If you are currently ordering monthly protocol remedies from me and have ordered a refill in the past 60 days, you will be locked into the old price for the duration of your treatment as long as you order refills at least every 60 days (or every 120 days if you were ordering 4 month blocks). If you have ordered remedies in the past and are thinking of ordering again in the future if you ask for a refill before January 14th you will also be locked into the old price as long as you order refills at least every 60 days (or every 120 days if you were ordering 4 month blocks).
If you have never ordered remedies before and wish to if you order before the 14th of January you can also be locked into the old rate.
The current price for the Immune Formula if you buy it monthly is $140, the new price will be $180 as of January 14th. If you buy a four month supply the new cost will be $560 (a savings of $160, plus you save an additional $42 on postage, a total savings of $202 over purchasing monthly). If you buy a six month supply the new cost will be $756 (a savings of $324, plus you save an additional $56 on postage, a total savings of $380 over buying purchasing monthly).
The price of my book will increase from $21.95 to $35.95 (which is the original 2006 price)
The price of my e-book will increase from $19.95 to $29.95 (which is the original 2006 price)
The price structure for the antiviral gel has already changed from $24.95 for 60 ml (2 oz) to $40.00 for 120 ml (4 oz)- which is actually a price decrease.
To purchase my book, self-hypnosis CDs or herpes formulas or to schedule a consultation, email me at holistic@natropractica.com or click on the links below.
How Not to Get Depressed This Winter
Change Your Lighting. Switch the light bulbs in your home to Full Spectrum Compact Flourescents with a colour temperature of 5100 Kelvin or higher. This is the closest artificial lighting to the sun’s rays and will help combat seasonal depression along with reducing your lighting bill by as much as 67%.
Vary Your Routine. Lack of stimulation, lack of variety and lack of challenge all contribute to depression. Don’t allow yourself to stay in a rut. Try new foods, go to new places, reach out and try to make new friends, move the furniture around in your house, change the colour of your walls. Examine every habit you have and try to shake things up.
Reach Out for Community. Isolation is a slow death. No matter who you are and what you are into there is a community out there either in the real world or on the internet ready to embrace you. You need to feel connected to others and others will benefit by being in your circle.
Have More Sex. I hope the benefits of physically and emotionally fulfilling sex are obvious. So why aren’t you getting more? Perhaps your rules are limiting your opportunities. If this is the case, it’s time to re-examine the priority you have placed on sex. loosen your restrictions, make it easier and not harder for yourself to get more sex. You do not have to be in love with someone or in a relationship to have sex. I am no promoter of meaningless sex, but I know from personal experience that it is possible to have abundant, healthy, uplifting sex in your life if you choose to.
Humidify. Drink lots of unfiltered spring water and teas like siberian ginseng, rhodiola and tulsi. Take a good fish oil supplement and make sure you have a humidifier in your bedroom if you have electric heat in your house.
Find Meaning in Who You Are and What You Do. If your daily life isn’t full of joy and meaning, you will get depressed, it’s only a matter of time. Some try to self-medicate themselves from this morass by doing reactional drugs or drinking too much. There is ultimately no escape from your internal judge. You know in the depths of your soul whether the life you live and the things you do have enough meaning. If meaning is lacking in your life, strip away all the dead wood and see what persists at your core. Who are you? What do you wish your life to be about? What dreams still remain unfufilled? How would you like to impact the world around you?
You can ask me for my Winter Depression/Seasonal Affected Disorder formula to help elevate your mood and give you healthy non-stimulant energy during the winter season. Don’t be shy, help is only an email away.
Tell your Story
by Anonymous
There’s a beautiful print by Roy Henry Vickers, a famous native artist, at the bottom it reads: “Storytelling is the Ointment of the Healer”. This quote speaks to the social aspects of healing. Using storytelling as a healing tool is not only found in native traditions. It can be seen in the role of the modern-day therapist, or in the everyday act of relating a difficult event to a trusted friend. In short, storytelling is an essential part of being human.
However, the stigma and shame of having herpes often causes those with the condition to rob themselves of telling their story, speaking their pain to the world. We are left feeling more alone, more isolated from our family, friends and community at exactly the moment when we need most their support and to progress on the path of healing.
Perhaps, my story, or rather how I finally came around to telling my story, can help you. When I had my first outbreak, I was working on a fishing boat in an isolated part of the Queen Charlotte Islands. I knew something was wrong and eventually had to ask the captain to call a floatplane to pick me up to visit the hospital in Prince Rupert, at a large expense and disruption to those on the boat. However, out of shame and fear, I lied about my symptoms to everyone around me.
That started a long road of deceit and internalizing my story. This continued for many years. I came into the habit of only telling my partners when intoxicated, a regretful symptom of my fear of rejection and lack of my own comfort with having herpes. Or, worse still, I would put people at risk by not revealing what I felt was my darkest secret. Either way, I was left to further internalize my suffering. This only worsened my stress, paranoia and outbreaks. I was diseased mentally and physically, and very much in a wilderness mostly of my own creation.
But, change did come. Four years after the float place landed and after breaking up with the woman from whom I contracted herpes, I suffered from my worst period of outbreaks: nearly four months of constant sores, prodromes and pain. Finally, in a fit of pure desperation, I broke down the walls of shame and told my family. This was the beginning of using storytelling as a powerful tool for my healing.
My family did not reject me as I had imagined; shattering their picture of the perfect son. Instead, they loved and supported me more than ever.. One of the things I realized was that by not telling them, I had robbed them of the opportunity to help me; to guide and hold me when in need, just as they would if I had any other problem. I had denied them (and myself) their chance to be a shoulder to lean against and, yes, cry on.
Only a month later, my mother was driving me to see Christopher Scipio in Vancouver. And, for all of you have had such an experience, you know that getting his support and adopting a holistic approach can be a life-changing experience. It was for me. But, I probably would have never have made it to see him, if not for speaking out when I did.
Mostly recently, I joined a herpes support group, some five years after my first outbreak. While talking about living with herpes to strangers is a personal decision, I would strongly encourage those who are so inclined, but still apprehensive, to do so. I left my first meeting with a new sense of community. It put faces and stories to the statistics of how many people are going through the same thing: lawyers, doctors, senior citizens, construction workers, single mothers and fathers, and university students.
Of course, you must choose to whom and when to tell your story on your own terms. But, do not let fear stop you.
As a final note, I do not want to give a false impression that suddenly everything was perfect for me. I have my struggles with this condition. Yet, what has changed is that I have a network of love, support and community to lift me up on my bad days. I chose to stop feeling isolated and so I hope will you. This is because not speaking out robs you from harnessing storytelling – the ointment of the healer – to live a more balanced, honest and happy life.
Three More Holistic Herpes Recipes from Cassa Wood
Asian Salmon
1/3 cup of Maple syrup
1/3 cup Soy Sauce
2 tbsp of Hoisin sauce
2 tbsp peeled and sliced ginger
Dried red pepper flakes
3-5 gloves of chopped garlic
Juice of 1or 2 fresh limes
2-4 Wild Salmon fillets
Place the sugar, soy sauce, hoisin sauce, ginger, lime juice, red pepper flakes, garlic in a saucepan, bringing the mixture to a boil. Reduce the heat to medium, and cook for 15 to 20 minutes or until the sauce forms a glaze.
Preheat the broiler.
Place the salmon fillets on a broiler pan and cover with the 1/3 of the sauce. Let sit for 15 minutes. Broil them until cooked through, about 8 minutes, and again baste more of the asian mixture. Remove the salmon from the heat and baste once more with the sauce before serving. Great by itself or served with basmati rice!
I will also cut it into small pieces and snack on it throughout the day.
Bok Bok Mushrooms
Bok choy and shiitake mushrooms are a natural combination for a quick stir-fry because….
1-2 tbsp olive oil
3-5 cloves garlic, chopped
1 or 2 bok choy heads, trimmed and thinly sliced
4 cups sliced shiitake mushroom caps
2 tbsp of oyster sauce
1 tbsp of sesame oil
1 tsp of sea salt
2-3 tbsp of hemp seeds (optional to sprinkle overtop)
IF you have a Wok, great! This is the time to use it. If not just use a fry pan. Heat oil over medium-high heat. Add garlic and cook, stirring constantly, until fragrant but not browned, about 30-60 seconds. Add bok choy and mushrooms. Cook and stir until wilted, about 2 minutes. Continue cooking, stirring often, until just tender, 3 to 5 minutes more. Stir in oyster sauce, sesame oil and salt. Serve hot with hemp seeds sprinkled overtop.
Baby Chick Spinach
1 bunch or bag of baby spinach
3 tablespoons of olive oil
1 medium red onion, finely chopped
3-5 cloves garlic, minced
1 19-ounce can chickpeas, rinsed
1 tbsp of thyme
1 tbsp of oregano
2 tbsp of ground cumin
1 tsp of sea salt
1 tsp of paprika
1/2 cup of raisins
1/2 cup of chicken or veggie broth
Bring a soup pot to medium heat, adding the oil, garlic, onions and cook for 5-10 minutes. Add in the spices and chickpeas after about 5 minutes, stirring and slightly smashing the chickpeas. Don’t let it dry out, adding more oil or broth if necessary. Then add the spinach in allowing it to wilt. Stir in raisins and broth and bring to a boil. Remove from the heat and let it sit for 5 minutes before serving.
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