My journey began two years ago this past March when my girlfriend was visiting from another state. I had begun experiencing some strange symptoms “down there” and scheduled a doctor’s visit right away. My girlfriend and I went together and I told her it wouldn’t be but a minute and I’d be right back out.
An hour later – why it took this long is beyond my comprehension – I received the diagnosis of HSV2. WHAT? Are you SURE? Has there been a mistake? But, I’m 64 years old… I’ve been in the same relationship for 9 years and had just remarried a year ago. In a state of shock, I wasn’t able to recover enough to make up a story to my girlfriend about this diagnosis so I told her the truth. It was hard for me, but as I said, I was in a state of shock. Bless her for being understanding, as I was freaked out enough for the both of us!. Since I hadn’t recognized any obvious signs of an outbreak in the past, there is no way to really know how long I had been infected.
My doctor prescribed Acyclovir, which incidentally is not very effective to alleviate symptoms and home I went…stunned. A couple of months passed and since I didn’t feel as if I was getting any relief, I searched the internet and found Christopher Scipio, Holistic Viral Specialist; scheduled a telephone conference and purchased his book. During our telephone call, he listened with empathy and understanding and urged me to ask him any questions I had. He’d heard it all, which I believe, so I could feel free to ask away. Of course, many thoughts were running through my mind so I asked what I could verbalize at that moment. He ran down the list of things I shouldn’t be eating and some things I could do such as exercise, meditate and try to get good restorative sleep.
Well…I started to feel better! Great! And you know what happens when you start to feel better? You begin to slowly forget yourself and tuck that HSV2 away somewhere in a dark corner and before you know it you are back to your old habits of eating inflammatory foods, not taking care of yourself properly and forgetting your important goals to change your habits. I’ve always exercised on a weekly basis so this was no problem for me. I will admit to having a hard time meditating and am still working on this!
Fast forward to two years later and I began noticing outbreaks that just wouldn’t go away with the Acyclovir. So I went back to my local practitioner and she sort of looked at me with glazed-over eyes and said, “well….we could do an ultrasound.” It was my sense that the abdominal issues I was having were related to the HSV2, so I thanked her and said I would think about it.
I went home and called Christopher again. We set up another telephone call. In a gentle but firm manner, he scolded me. “I thought we discussed what you should and shouldn’t eat?” Yes, we did and I became lax, as I hung my head. My sleep was suffering due to some other issues and I knew that this wasn’t good for my overall health and well being. Although I wasn’t eating a lot of bad things, what I did have was definitely affecting me. He patiently went over the list again with me and also suggested a change to Valtrex.
In about a month’s time, I have to say that with my renewed attention to my diet and elimination of foods such as nuts, cereal, purchased salad dressings, sugars, processed foods, etc. as well as the change to Valtrex, my health has done a complete turn-around! I feel so much better! I am still working on meditation, but eat a very healthy diet; a lot of which I harvest from my own garden. I feel that I am stabilized and beyond a doubt, I am reaffirmed. Christopher knows what he is talking about as he guides you through and teaches you how to manage your HSV2.
I won’t say that it was a fun learning experience, but I will say that I have adopted a pledge to myself to take care of my body and mind and live a healthy life. I can’t thank Christopher enough for his kind and thoughtful words when I was first diagnosed. At that time I didn’t want to talk to anyone about my diagnosis, but he really and truly put me at ease. If you rely solely on Eastern medical practitioners, you will be absolutely disappointed in their treatment suggestions. I couldn’t help but feel that they just wanted me to leave the office as they didn’t have any suggestions for me to pursue on my own that Christopher did, other than ineffective pharmacology. Oh yeah…I also want to express my sincere thanks to him for sternly putting me back on the right track with my health decisions. His advice is sound and based on his knowledge of HSV2.
Thank goodness!
Thank Christopher!